Bett Award winner for “Higher Education or Further Education Digital Services.”
A versatile, hands-on learning tool that provides students an understanding of basic engineering concepts, core mechatronics, and MATLAB and Simulink programming through fun projects connected to real-world industries.
Due to the high number of components and the multitude and complexity of the projects present in this kit, the order is the key point of this packaging project.
The packaging is divided into two levels. The upper part consists of a removable tray divided into compartments, where are allocated the basic components necessary to start the different projects; the lower part houses four large boxes containing the pieces used to create the structures of the main “machines” suggested by Arduino.
The illustrations made on the lid of each compartment help the user to find, store and keep the various components in order.
The outer box is made of plastic, to meet the needs of resistance, component protection and reuse expressed by users and by the company itself.
The classic “Arduino Educational orange” is paired with silver, a color that symbolizes the high technological level of the product and its educational contents, as well as to better target the product towards a more experienced target of academics and researchers.
Client Arduino SAServicesIndustrial design, Packaging design, Graphic designYear2020CreditsImages courtesy of Arduino SA - Photo by Alberto Morici