“44.350 waste containers, transformed in 100.000 encounter possibilities”
P44 are 44.350 food and drink waste containers (such as Tetra Pak ones) transformed into a playful, modular and colorful bench.
The furniture reflects the several seating, interacting, leaning, relaxing and playing possibilities.
P44 has two backrests which can be used in several ways such as small tables for reading a book or having lunch break, as armrest, as leaning support or in every other way up to the user’s creativity and need.
P44 has been selected among the best projects of the RO Plastic Prize 2021 curated by Rossana Orlandi. It was awarded the second place and exhibited at Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan.
DesignProDe + Pistejaviiva ServicesUrban design, Furniture design, Industrial designAwardsRO GuiltlessPlasticYear2021CreditsPhoto by Mauro Ujetto